Tag: Nonfiction

Book Review | The Enneagram of Emotional Intelligence by Scott Allender

I’ve read several books on the Enneagram, so the early part of this book didn’t really add anything to my previous knowledge. Anyone with even basic familiarity of the Enneagram could probably skip this section.

For those who are unfamiliar, here is the potted version: there are nine Enneagram “types”, numbered one to nine. Each type has a motivation and a wound. We each have a dominant type, and will gravitate toward another type when we are in healthy growth patterns, but will gravitate toward a different type when we are in an unhealthy stress pattern.

My biggest issue with the Enneagram as a principle isn’t that we can never expect to reach perfection on Earth (which lines up with Jesus’s teaching and—if we’re honest—with what we know about ourselves), but that the whole premise is circular: a healthy One will become a Seven, and an unhealthy Seven will become a One. That implies One is better than Seven, right? But no. A healthy Seven becomes a Five. A healthy Five becomes an Eight. A healthy Eight becomes a Two, a healthy Two becomes a Four, and a healthy Four becomes a One. And you’re back at the beginning.

All this reads like humanity striving toward evolution rather than seeking God-driven transformation (which makes sense, given the author apparently has a podcast called The Evolving Leader). As I read through my notes, I realised the author might have been trying to say that an emotionally healthy person won’t have a single Enneagram type: they will exhibit strengths from all the types. I guess that means they have evolved? Either way, this idea was not explored in this book, or even mentioned in any of the previous Enneagram titles I’ve read.

I didn’t think the book made sufficient case for why we should change.

It assumed the reader wanted to change, wanted to become a “better” person, but spent more time using the Enneagram to explain how someone can move from Type A to Type B rather than asking why someone might want to change. Perhaps the author felt that was unnecessary.

Perhaps they assumed someone reading a self-help book already wants to change?

In contrast, the next book I picked up was Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer. This immediately tackled the “why”  of change:

To be human is to change. To grow. To evolve. This is by God's design. The question is ... Who or what am I becoming?

Comer’s one short paragraph did more to explain the “why” we should seek to change than this entire book.

After introducing the concept of the Enneagram, the author then introduces emotional intelligence, a concept popularised (but not invented by) psychologist and writer Daniel Goleman. The premise of emotional intelligence (aka EI) is that EI is the best predictor of success, not “regular” intelligence.

There are five essential skills of emotional intelligence:

  1. Self-perception
  2. Self-expression
  3. Interpersonal relationships
  4. Decision-making
  5. Stress management

Scott Allender does a good job of explaining each of these essential skills from both a personal and professional context, making the valuable point that an emotionally intelligent organisation creates better working conditions that allow people do to their best work.

However, the book then got bogged down by Allender trying to explain how each of the nine Enneagram Types might react in growth and in stress with each of these five essential skills. Five times nine is forty-five, which meant there was lots of information but insufficient detail on any specific skill or type. This discourse also assumed the reader knew their Enneagram type and their EI strengths or growth areas.

Despite the fact this book is published by Baker Books (an imprint of evangelical publisher Baker Publishing Group), the underlying message seemed to imply we’re all aiming for self-awareness but can never achieve it, and that we’re all doing it under our own efforts, as if there is no Jesus, no saviour.

It all felt more Buddhist than Christian.

For example, Allender says:

Fours, for example, are prone to feelings of shame because of the false belief that they are flawed in some way (emphasis mine).

Yes, we are flawed. John 3:16 teaches us that we are all sinners. Allender also says:

I believe that somewhere in each of us is a sense that something’s not quite right.

Isn’t that the Jesus-shaped hole in each of us that the Holy Spirit wants to fill?


The Enneagram has been my vehicle for releasing my false narratives and stepping into a truer story.

Really? I suggest he try reading the Bible.

Despite these issues, The Enneagram of Emotional Intelligence was a worthwhile read: it has convinced me there is nothing even vaguely Christian about the Enneagram, despite its growing popularity in parts of the church. It has also convinced me that I need to read Daniel Goleman’s original book on Emotional Intelligence if I want to understand the topic.

Thanks to Baker Books and NetGalley for providing a free ebook for review.

About The Enneagram of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is one of the biggest predictors of personal and professional success, and the key to effectively developing your EQ is tying it to your own personality type. In this book, certified EQ coach and Enneagram teacher Scott Allender helps you chart a personality-specific path toward lasting emotional intelligence and health.

Allender uses the popular Enneagram framework to illuminate how each of the nine personality types aligns with the five essential skills of emotional intelligence: self-perception, self-expression, interpersonal relationships, decision making, and stress management. You’ll discover how to:

  • break free from the hidden fears that dictate your choices
  • make more intentional decisions
  • better understand the emotional dynamics of colleagues, friends, and family
  • and more.

In this journey toward radical self-awareness, you’ll learn how to combat the self-limiting beliefs that keep you from living the life you were meant to live all along.

Find The Enneagram of Emotional Intelligence online at:

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Book Review | Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren

I’m changing track slightly today and reviewing a nonfiction book (gasp!).

While I can (and often do) read a novel in a day, nonfiction takes me a lot longer. Liturgy of the Ordinary certainly did—it released in 2016, and mine is an advance reviewer copy …

There are several reasons for this. One is that I find I have to slow down for nonfiction—I can’t devour good nonfiction in a day the way I devour a great novel. I also find that nonfiction tends to speak to us in different seasons of life. If I’m trying to read a book in the wrong season, it’s like trying to build a snowman in midsummer: I might be willing, but there is just nothing there to work with.

Liturgy of the Ordinary was like that.

It’s a book to be read slowly and savoured, not devoured in a day.

Ironic, given it’s structured around the activities of a typical day.

Different people will probably read different things into the book (isn’t that one of the brilliant things about writing?). My view is that the overarching theme is that most of us do live ordinary lives … and that’s okay. That’s what God has called us to. That’s how we are to honour God, in the ordinary.

Warren says:

I’m living this life, the life right in front of me. This one where we aren’t living as we thought we might or as we hoped we would.
(Actually, that makes sense. Ordinary is the opposite of extraordinary. If we were all pastors of mega-churches or world-famous evangelists or sought-after preachers, those things wouldn’t be the extraordinary. They’d be the ordinary, and we’d all be longing for what we now disparagingly call ordinary).

When Warren refers to liturgies, she isn’t just referring to the worship practices of traditional churches. She’s talking about our everyday liturgies … our habits and traditions:

Examining our daily life through the lens of liturgy allows us to see who these habits are shaping us to be, and the ways we can live as people who have been loved and transformed by God.

She confronts and challenges our subconscious views, our desire to get rid of the boring stuff to live a thrilling, edgy kind of faith. She worries that we’re addicted to novelty and stimulation rather than actively seeking solitude and silence, as Jesus did. She challenges us to be content in all circumstances, even dirty dishes and unmade beds and lost keys. She challenges our impatience, our desire to be happy and fulfilled now, our never-ending quest to control our time and get to the end of the to-do list.

She quotes Dorothy Bass in Receiving the Day:

We come to believe that we, not God, are the masters of time. We come to believe that our worth must be proved by the way we spend our hours and that our ultimate safety depends on our own good management.

Guilty as charged …  I have been tracking my daily mobile phone usage this year, and have discovered (!) that the days where I feel I’ve been most productive are the days when I’ve spent the least time on my phone (who knew, right?).

Finally, Warren challenges us to rest.

She points out that while evangelism has produced many positive changes in society (such as the abolition of slavery, the rights of women, and the protection of children), it has also embraced a “culture of frenzy and grandiosity” to the point where we’re all exhausted. We need to reclaim the Sabbath and actually rest.

We don’t need to go all out, doing all the things, to get Jesus to show up. He’s already here. We just need to slow down for long enough to notice.

We need to rest.

So if you’re stuck on the never-ending hamster wheel of doing, perhaps it’s time to pick up Liturgy of the Ordinary and allow yourself to focus on the small instead of the big, on being instead of doing.

Thanks to InterVarsity Press and NetGalley for providing a free ebook for review. And sorry for taking over six years to read it.

About Tish Harrison Warren

Tish Harrison WarrenTish Harrison Warren is a priest in the Anglican Church in North America. After eight years with InterVarsity Graduate and Faculty Ministries at Vanderbilt and The University of Texas at Austin, she currently serves as Co-Associate Rector at Church of the Ascension in Pittsburgh, PA.

She writes regularly for The Well, CT Women, and Christianity Today. Her work has also appeared in Comment Magazine, Christ and Pop Culture, Art House America, Anglicanpastor.com, and elsewhere. She is author of Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life (IVP). She is from Austin, TX, and now lives in Pittsburgh with her husband and two young daughters in a house chock full of books with no matching forks or matching socks anywhere to be found.

Find Tish Harrison Warren online at:

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About Liturgy of the Ordinary

In the overlooked moments and routines of our day, we can become aware of God’s presence in surprising ways. How do we embrace the sacred in the ordinary and the ordinary in the sacred?

Framed around one ordinary day, this book explores daily life through the lens of liturgy, small practices, and habits that form us. Each chapter looks at something―making the bed, brushing her teeth, losing her keys―that the author does every day. Drawing from the diversity of her life as a campus minister, Anglican priest, friend, wife, and mother, Tish Harrison Warren opens up a practical theology of the everyday. Each activity is related to a spiritual practice as well as an aspect of our Sunday worship.

Come and discover the holiness of your every day.

Find Liturgy of the Ordinary online at:

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