Tag: Because of You

Bookish Question #336 | What is the most recent book you read in a single day?

Because of You by Australian author Hannah Currie, which I recently reviewed (click here to read my review).

It’s an enjoyable story of a teenage girl who goes to Thailand on a short-term missions trip, and what she learns about herself and God during the trip. Some of the scenes are based on Hannah’s own mission trip to Thailand, and I particularly enjoyed those scenes.

I hadn’t planned to read the whole book in a single day (do we ever?), but I found it hard to put down.

What about you? What’s the most recent book you’ve read in a single day?


First Line Friday

First Line Friday #338 | Because of You by Hannah Currie

It’s First Line Friday! That means it’s time to pick up the nearest book and quote the first line. I’m quoting from Because of You by Australian author Hannah Currie.

Because of You a Young Adult novel about a short-term mission trip to Thailand, which is a switch-up from her usual royalty romances. Here’s the first line from the Chapter One:

This would be the summer that changed my life forever.

What’s the book nearest you, and what’s the first line?


About Because of You

Because of You by Hannah CurrieSixteen-year-old Chloe Gabriels has dreamed of going on an overseas mission trip for as long as she can remember, so when the opportunity arises for her to go to Thailand with Teen Missions International she jumps at the chance. Working at an orphanage, learning new skills, experiencing a different culture, making lifelong friends—what better way could there be to spend her summer vacation?

Of course, the trip will have its challenges—living in close quarters with seventeen other teens out of their comfort zones has a way of doing that—but it will be worth it. She’ll finally be serving God in a practical way.

But while the orphans and their stories break her heart, it’s someone unexpected who has the biggest impact on Chloe’s summer and leaves her wondering if maybe there are just as many people who need her love back home as there are overseas.

Find Because of You online at:

Amazon | BookBub | Goodreads

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Share your first line in the comments, and happy reading!

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