As anyone who has ever read my blog or follows me on Goodreads or BookBub knows, I prefer fiction.
I do read nonfiction, but that tends to be work-related, or books on writing (which includes editing and marketing). They are books I read to learn, not to entertain.
For me, reading is entertainment, and that means fiction. (I like my nonfiction to be entertaining if possible, but that’s a nice-to-have, not a must-have).
And the busier I am at work or home or life in general, the more I want my reading to be entertaining. That’s probably why I gravitate towards romance rather than historical or general fiction (which always feels more “serious” and more like work than pleasure).
There is a definite relationship between how I’m feeling and what I choose to read: the busier my mind, the more relaxing and low-key I want my reading.