Which Christian books have you had on your bookshelf the longest? And when did you last read them?
I read very few paperbacks these days, but I still have a collection of old favourites (although it’s been several years since I read any of them).
The oldest books on my bookshelf are books I’ve read and reread (and loaned to other people, then read again myself).
Here are a few of my favourites, although I probably haven’t read any for ten years or more:
- The Refiners Fire series by Lynn Austin—a great Civil War trilogy, written from the perspectives of a Southern lady, a Northern lady, and a slave.
- The Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers—a fantastic trilogy set in Roman times (and this is one of the few trilogies where the middle book is my favourite)
- An American Family Portrait series by Jack Cavanaugh—a longer series that follows a single family from the 1600s to the present day.
Have you read any of these? Is my list showing my age?
There is another series I read and reread, but I’ve lost the middle book in the trilogy (I loaned it out and it never came back): Tourmaline and Nightwatch by Jon Henderson (I’m missing Tigers and Dragons). I haven’t read them for a while (because they’re paper books and I’ve mostly switched to ebooks). If I did read them again, I’d probably find them dreadfully dated. I remember the hero had a digital camera in one of the books, back when they were virtually unheard of. Even better, he had a satellite phone he could use to upload his photographs to (I think) the CIA. Now pretty much anyone can do this with their smartphone. Anyway, I loved them when I first read them.